Sunday, November 30, 2008

Problems With My Blogger Account

I am worried. I think something is wrong with my Blogger account. I am not getting any updates from others blogs. Like something is wrong with my incoming feed or something. The last updates were on Friday night and Saturday morning. So, if you have posted yesterday can you let me know so I can try and alert Blogger to my situation. Of course I could be a loser and everybody went shopping. Though I hope shopping is the case and not my Blogger account. But, I have a feeling it is my account. CRAP!

Also, everytime I go on to my dashboard, it tells me that I am following no blogs. I have to push the refresh button to get all my blog list back. Does anyone else have that problem.

I cleaned my cookie browser. I am still having issues.

1 comment:

Denise Grover Swank said...

I have found that my blog roll doesn't always update very well. I visit blogs that have the same blogs on their blog roll that I do and their's is updated and my is not. What's the deal with that? Do I have to spend the day just randomly clicking on blogs on the blog roll to see if they are updated rather than do all the housework that needs to be done? Well, if I must....

Dropping by from SITS. Have a great day!

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