It is Flashback Friday brought to you by Jill at Scarymommy.
What you do is take a post from when you started blogging. You know the ones...the ones only your momma read. Well, my momma doesn't read my blog so I am giving a shout out to my first two followers: Jeannie and Sandy! So, here we go...back to November 21, 2008
Dear Food and Exercise,
I would really appreciate food, if you were only healthy. I also would like it, if you would stop jumping into my mouth at every turn. I wish all you trans fat and high fructose corn syrup would just not come into my house. Just stay out of the shopping cart. Fruits and vegetables please just kick their butts. Exercise, why can't you just come to my bed and literally pull me out of my cozy bed. In the morning is best because my kids are sleeping. Pinch me, keep bugging me until I wake up. Show me a picture of the current me. Tell me how my face is melting into my neck and no one can tell start to finish. Just Do It! Thanks.
A girl can dream:)
I think we all have this wish!
idk if you meant this to be funny, but I AM laughing. Ahh, if only it were that easy? If you can find the magic can you please send some to me? I was just thinking my eating is getting a little more nuts than usual...trying to get my winter coat i guess....*sighs*
So say we all...
I told my husband just the other day I wish I could take a spoon and scoop away my stomach. Then of course he had to chime in with "Okay, but leave your thighs and butt the way they are." Pfft.
Happy Friday SITSta!
Stopping by from SITS. Good luck with healthy eating and exercise... baby steps! :)
LOL! Good one!!!
M ^..^
OH...if it were only that easy!!!
Has it worked? :)
Thanks for always stopping by and being such a good friend!
I have an award for you:)
that food can be pesky cant it, only today when I arrived at the counter I descovered a bumper packet of m&m's had made its way in :-(
when will they learn?
Hi!! Stopping by from SITS - I could have written this too!! Good letter - btw I love your daughters name!! ;)
I like the part where you say your face is melting into your neck....lol.
Don't we all wish this would happen?!? And could somebody make the healthy food taste like cheesecake, please?????
I loved this letter. Can you mail one for me please? LOL!
If chocolate cake was a healthy food, my life just might be complete!
I didn't know you only started last November, that's only a little bit before me. When we "met" I thought you'd been doing this forever because you knew so much!
I think exercise will come and kick you out of bed, it's called a personal trainer who shows up to get your rear in gear but I'm sure that also costs a ton! Did you ever see the episode of Celebrity Fit Club where the Drill Sargent guy shows up at one of the guys from Charles in Charge's house and gets him up? He was not happy!
It's too bad I don't still live in the Heights cause then we could go walking together! I'm coming over that way on Mother's Day.
Oh, I wish. The sad part is that sometimes I eat like that. No wonder I need to lose those 20 pounds!!!
Thanks so much for playing!! :)
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