I was so hoping for a freak snow storm today so I didn't have to wake up and get the kids ready for school today. Didn't happen. Oh well. Shows me right. I shouldn't have stayed up to 3 in the morning!!

Here is a sketch from
Sketchy Thursdays.

This is what I did with the sketch. I have pictures of all the girls in this Michigan State outfit. I gave away a bunch of our baby clothes but this is one of the items I kept. You never know..there might be a maybe. Jason says no, but you never know!! Actually there are just some things I couldn't part with. So this is Michaela, January of 2005.
Lindsey is a fan of the University of Michigan so she shrieks when she sees her pictures of herself in this outfit. The only reason why she likes that school is because the mascot is an animal, wolverine. She is just crazy about animals. I tell her Mommy's school's mascot is a WARRIOR. But since it is not an animal she wants nothing to do with it. Of course if she wants to have a career with animals she has to deal with MSU. My school is known for its agricultural work. So, in the words of Queenie Jeannie....nanner nanner!!
Thanks for looking a my layout:)